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Recommended Reading List: June 2020
At Palm Health Foundation, we are regularly inspired by others who think about the intersections between health and the incredible wide-ranging elements of the human experience and the systems/structures influencing that experience. This list of readings and talks are examples of what’s exciting us in this moment as well as foundational resources which helped to shape the Healthier Together initiative.
- The Social Labs Revolution: A New Approach to Solving Our Most Complex Challenges. 2014. Zaid Hassan
- Deepening Community: Finding Joy Together in Chaotic Times. 2014. By Paul Born.
- The Practice of Adaptive Leadership. 2009. By Alexander Grashow, Marty Linsky and Ronald Heifetz
- Making Success Measurable. 2014. By Douglas K. Smith.
- Just Mercy. 2019. By Bryan Stevenson
- White Fragility: Why Its So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism. 2018 by Robin DiAngelo
- The Surprising Power of Liberating Structures: Simple Rules to Unleash A Culture of Innovation by Henri Lipmanowicz and Keith McCandless
- The Political Determinants of Health. 2020. By Daniel E. Dawes.
- A Leaders Framework for Decision Making. 2007. By Dave Snowden and Mary E. Boone. Harvard Business Review: https://hbr.org/2007/11/a-leaders-framework-for-decision-making
- How Leaders Change Culture Through Small Actions. 2017. By Dave Snowden. Medium. https://medium.com/@brixen/dave-snowden-how-leaders-change-culture-though-small-actions-766cd2bf5128
- Collective Impact 3.0 An Evolving Framework for Community Change. Tamarack Institute. 2016 by Mark Cabaj and Liz Weaver https://www.tamarackcommunity.ca/library/collective-impact-3.0-an-evolving-framework-for-community-change
- Water of Systems Change. FSG. 2018 by John Kania, Mark Kramer and Peter Senge https://www.fsg.org/publications/water_of_systems_change
- Culture Matters: Direct Service Programs Cannot Solve Widespread, Complex, Intergenerational Social Problems. 2017. Laura Porter, Kim Martin and Robert Anda https://www.academicpedsjnl.net/article/S1876-2859(16)30496-X/fulltext
- Leading Change: Leadership, Organization, and Social Movements. 2010. By Marshall Ganz https://marshallganz.usmblogs.com/files/2012/08/Chapter-19-Leading-Change-Leadership-Organization-and-Social-Movements.pdf
- Calculating Risk: Considerations for Operationalizing Innovation and Planning for Failure. 2019 Grantmakers In Health. https://www.gih.org/views-from-the-field/calculating-risk-considerations-for-operationalizing-innovation-and-planning-for-failure-may-2019/
- The Four Components of Effective Collective Impact: Through the Lens of Asset-Based Community Development and Results-Based Accountability™ http://jeder.com.au/the-four-components-of-effective-collective-impact/
- Tenacious Change: Unlocking the Potential of Community Change Leadership. 2020. By Tom Klaus https://tenaciouschange.us/tenacious-change-approach/
- The Future of Healing: Shifting from Trauma Informed Care to Healing Centered Engagement. 2018. By Shawn Ginwright. Medium. https://medium.com/@ginwright/the-future-of-healing-shifting-from-trauma-informed-care-to-healing-centered-engagement-634f557ce69c
- Alicia Juarrero Safe-Fail, NOT Fail-Safe, Lean UX NYC 2014: https://vimeo.com/95646156
- Dave Snowden, The Cynefin Framework: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7oz366X0-8
- Brenda Zimmerman, Keynote at Collective Impact Summit 2014: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnXRX0Y9io8; Write-up of Key Note: http://www.tamarackcommunity.ca/latest/brenda-zimmerman-at-the-collective-impact-summit
- Glenda Eoyang, How should leaders approach using adaptive action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9uZNTGnuNQ
- Glenda Eoyang, What is a complex adaptive system and its role in adaptive action? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzBuhOgQA-s
- Kresge Foundation’s CEO Rip Rapson’s Talk at Florida Philanthropic Network February 2017: https://kresge.org/library/philanthropys-role-new-era
- Former CDC Head Pushes for Equity in Pandemic Policies. A Tiny Spark Podcast from Nonprofit Quarterly. 2020. https://nonprofitquarterly.org/former-head-of-cdc-shares-equity-lessons-of-last-pandemic/
- Realigning Foundation Trustees to Incentivize Learning. 2019. Tanya Beer’s Talk at Grantmakers for Effective Organization’s Annual Learning Conference. https://www.evaluationinnovation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Beer-GEO-Board-Talk-1.pdf
- Cognitive Edge: https://cognitive-edge.com/
- Human Systems Institute: https://www.hsdinstitute.org/
- Collective Impact Forum: https://www.collectiveimpactforum.org/
- Tamarack Institute: https://www.tamarackcommunity.ca/